60-Minute Coaching Session

Single Session

Course Summary

one-on-one coaching session

Course Curriculum

Susan Wigley

Susan Wigley CHC is a certified holistic health and life coach. 

After a near death experience at the age of 19, she discovered that she's an intuitive healer her life purpose is to help empaths and sensitives discover their Divine purpose and use their gifts. Empaths and HSP’s like herself have often been beaten down and misunderstood, being told their intuitive gifts are nothing more than oversensitivity. They’ve not been taken seriously and, like her, many of them have found themselves in soul-sucking careers instead of in careers that allow them to use their gifts and intuition.

Now she supports empaths and HSP's who want to get out of a soul-sucking career and create one where they can use their gifts. She helps them finally step into their true life's purpose so they can make money doing the work they love. She has been fortunate enough to be able speak to well over 3000 people and she's created several courses and 4 programs to guide many more on their journey of discovery. Doing this work is the greatest joy of her life.

John Smith


Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

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